FreeDV using Codec2 a low bit rate HF codec
Hi Alan

Greetings from the UK. Heard from Matt that there was a group over there playing with smalldv - presume that is you guys? During the lockdown, we thought it would be a fun club project to keep members amused. Currently working fine 700D/700C/1600/800XA but was having a play with other modes. Realise 2020 will not run on Pi 3 but been trying Pi 4. Seems to run. If I try the 2020 LPCNet test (cat wia.wav | lpcnet_enc | ofdm_mod | ofdm_demod | lpcnet_dec | aplay) it runs and the audio sounds good but with a few underruns. CPU loading on the 4 running 2020 from fdvcore shows a CPU loading of 13% - not measured it properly yet for the above LPCNet test. Might be still not enough oomph but looks promising. Still playing this end but wondered if you guys had made any progress?

Best regards

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