Check your licence renewal...con't
Hi Dave,

I was close to having a similar problem as you earlier in the year. I rang the 1300 number and got the lowdown on how they do it these days. For me, the critical thing was to get them to confirm my email details for all the licenses in my house. The DO send emails to advise of impending license expiry IF they have you email registered.

It works a treat.

I get an advisory 3 months out to tell me my license will expire (no need for action)
I get an invoice 30 days out for my license renewal
I get my new license within 24 hours of payment (pdf)
I get a spreadsheet within 48 hours confirming my new license expiry date.

True, there is no paper license but I can save the pdf to my phone or depending on location I can jump on the ACMA website should I need to produce my license. If this scenario is one outcome from the recent ACMA database rebuild then I say they got this bit right.

It would have been nice if a clearer statement of the process was made available on the ACMA website or offered to the WIA. Maybe it was and we missed it?. Your advice to check with the ACMA is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

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