03-02-2021, 12:09 PM
Review of non-assigned amateur and outpost regulatory arrangements – consultation 01/2021 - closes 2nd April 2021
We have reviewed the regulatory arrangements for non-assigned amateur and outpost stations. We are now consulting on options to optimise those arrangements.
This consultation includes and option to change amateur licensing from its current form as apparatus licenced - under an LCD - to a class licence..
Download the two amateur-related documents from the link above, read thoroughly, submit your comments/thoughts.
The Executive Summary states :
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is reviewing regulatory arrangements for the operation of non-assigned amateur and outpost stations, as indicated in the Five-year spectrum outlook 2020–24 (FYSO). This paper proposes changes to amateur licensing arrangements and associated administrative functions. A separate consultation paper discusses proposals for changes to the arrangements for outpost licences.
This review aims to identify the best licensing mechanism that would reduce regulatory burden and minimise costs for licensees, while preserving the current operational utility for licensees. The review is examining whether the existing licensing framework best achieves the objective or whether it could be better met through alternative licensing arrangements.
At the same time, the ACMA is seeking to ensure that any changes to the amateur licensing arrangements allow Australia to continue meet its obligations relating to the regulation of the amateur radio service under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations (ITU RR) and manage access to spectrum consistent with the objects of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 (the Act). We are also interested in considering whether there are opportunities for greater self-regulation of some matters relating to the amateur services, such as call sign management, and new arrangements for frequency coordination for beacon and repeater licences, by the amateur radio sector.
The review is consistent with our ongoing work to seek opportunities to deliver better regulatory outcomes, including self-regulation, and is consistent with the Australian Government’s Deregulation Agenda.
Our review is considering several options to authorise the operation of amateur stations, each with varying degrees of regulatory, administrative and financial burden.
> Option A: keep the existing apparatus licensing arrangements with the same licence conditions
> Option B: simplify the current licensing arrangements and licence conditions by amending the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 (Amateur LCD)
> Option C: transition to class licensing arrangements for amateur stations operating on common frequencies (non-assigned amateur stations). The operation of amateur beacon and repeater stations (assigned amateur stations) would continue to be authorised under apparatus licensing arrangements, possibly with new arrangements for frequency coordination and assignment.
Read these two documents carefully !!!
We have reviewed the regulatory arrangements for non-assigned amateur and outpost stations. We are now consulting on options to optimise those arrangements.
This consultation includes and option to change amateur licensing from its current form as apparatus licenced - under an LCD - to a class licence..
Download the two amateur-related documents from the link above, read thoroughly, submit your comments/thoughts.
The Executive Summary states :
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is reviewing regulatory arrangements for the operation of non-assigned amateur and outpost stations, as indicated in the Five-year spectrum outlook 2020–24 (FYSO). This paper proposes changes to amateur licensing arrangements and associated administrative functions. A separate consultation paper discusses proposals for changes to the arrangements for outpost licences.
This review aims to identify the best licensing mechanism that would reduce regulatory burden and minimise costs for licensees, while preserving the current operational utility for licensees. The review is examining whether the existing licensing framework best achieves the objective or whether it could be better met through alternative licensing arrangements.
At the same time, the ACMA is seeking to ensure that any changes to the amateur licensing arrangements allow Australia to continue meet its obligations relating to the regulation of the amateur radio service under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations (ITU RR) and manage access to spectrum consistent with the objects of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 (the Act). We are also interested in considering whether there are opportunities for greater self-regulation of some matters relating to the amateur services, such as call sign management, and new arrangements for frequency coordination for beacon and repeater licences, by the amateur radio sector.
The review is consistent with our ongoing work to seek opportunities to deliver better regulatory outcomes, including self-regulation, and is consistent with the Australian Government’s Deregulation Agenda.
Our review is considering several options to authorise the operation of amateur stations, each with varying degrees of regulatory, administrative and financial burden.
> Option A: keep the existing apparatus licensing arrangements with the same licence conditions
> Option B: simplify the current licensing arrangements and licence conditions by amending the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 (Amateur LCD)
> Option C: transition to class licensing arrangements for amateur stations operating on common frequencies (non-assigned amateur stations). The operation of amateur beacon and repeater stations (assigned amateur stations) would continue to be authorised under apparatus licensing arrangements, possibly with new arrangements for frequency coordination and assignment.
Read these two documents carefully !!!
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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