ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
I found my last renewal notice which shows :

Renewal Notice No.: xxxxxxxxx
Total Tax: $ 51.00
Total Charge: $ 4.00
Total GST: $ -
AMOUNT DUE:  $ 55.00

Ok, so the GST is $0 (zero) but there is a Charge of $4 included in the $55 - WHICH IS NOT EXPLAINED ON THE DOCUMENT ITSELF.  
Oversight or on purpose ?  Then again, do they actually get to keep the $4 fee (sorry, Charge) or does it go to the ATO or into Consolidated Revenue?)

But please don't let any of this distract from the main topic : Prospective changes to licensing of the amateur service in Australia.

In relation to :
"The whole no fees thing is attractive, but at what cost? Do we then get the chance for 5year or even 10year licence periods? Or maybe a true licence for life deal with the need only to inform when we change address?"

I have my suspicions that since a Certificate of Proficiency is for life then any Class Licence would be for life also.  The ACMA would not care if you changed address if they aren't issuing any individual licences, only any organisation/body providing a callsign register would like them up-to-date. There would be no need for licences or renewals to be sent out so any address detail becomes inconsequential. (...duh... just like CB ! ...)
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements - by VK4ADC - 06-02-2021, 03:23 PM

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