ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
Keeping you up-to-date :

From WIA News for 21 Feb 2021 :

Recently the Spectrum regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) issued a consultation document which details 3 options concerning the future of Amateur Radio in Australia. Significantly, the ACMAs preferred option is changing to a Class Licence instead of the current apparatus licence.

This is a non-trivial change and has long term major ramifications on the Radio Amateur Service in Australia. Note that a change to a class licence was rejected in a 2004 determination issued by the ACMAs predecessor organisation.

Any changes to the Radio Amateur Service licensing framework as proposed as the preferred option in the ACMA consultation are likely to be permanent and irrevocable. Hence it is vitally important that the WIA response reflects the views of our members as well as, to the extent it is feasible, the views of  the wider radio amateur cohort.

Next week the WIA will be releasing its position paper on the consultation and initiating a poll to gather feedback from the amateur community. The WIA board and its supporting volunteer technical team have been investigating and researching the implications of the various options and burning the midnight oil since this consultation was released. The technical team has a great depth of skill and experience in the radio communications sector and its regulatory environment.

The WIA will be seeking feedback from its members and other interested amateurs via a registered poll. You must be registered to receive the poll with only one vote per ACMA id (persons only not repeaters!). Please note WIA members do not to need to register as you are pre-registered and will automatically receive the poll via MemNet email.  In line with our previous practice, this poll will open to all Australian radio amateurs via pre-registering to receive the poll. I also ask that club presidents relay this registration information to their members as soon as possible.

You can register by entering the URL: into your internet browser.

We have had feedback from some (not all) Chrome browser users being unable to access the registration page due to a re-direction failure, in which case use the URL:


Closing date for YOUR submission (and everyone else's) is 2nd April 2021.  Details about submissions ? Follow the links in the first post. 
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements - by VK4ADC - 21-02-2021, 02:41 PM

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