ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
Latest from the WIA :

The WIA has reviewed the paper and conducted an analysis of the opportunities and risks each option poses to the operation of the amateur and amateur-satellite services in Australia. The major items for consideration follow:

Option A: keep the existing apparatus licensing arrangements with the same licence conditions 
Option B: simplify the current licensing arrangements and licence conditions by amending the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 (Amateur LCD) 
Option C: transition to class licensing arrangements for amateur stations operating on common frequencies (non-assigned amateur stations). 

The operation of amateur beacon and repeater stations (assigned amateur stations) would continue to be authorised under apparatus licensing arrangements, possibly with new arrangements for frequency coordination and assignment. 

The WIA board in consultation with the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee have analysed the proposal, and has carefully considered the opportunities and risks it presents to the amateur service in Australia. We are now presenting our findings to members and the wider amateur service community and are inviting feedback on our findings and recommendations at this time that the WIA can then take into account when formulating our final submission to the ACMA.

To help with the feedback process, the WIA has presented two poll questions for consideration. The poll will be shortly open, and will be open for two weeks. The WIA then intends to publish its findings and will provide information and assistance at that time on ways you can support the WIA's position presented to the regulator. A copy of the polling paper and preliminary investigations is attached which also outlines the WIA committee position currently.

Your input will be important in shaping our final direction.

Please take the time to read and respond to the poll as your input is important. Only information from the poll can be used for the WIA submission.

Position Paper : weblink to PDF

Editor's comment : Please read the WIA position paper which will download via the above link.  It raised some interesting thoughts in my mind as well as providing a suggested response to the ACMA.  The ACMA's (b) option needs further investigation.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements - by VK4ADC - 28-02-2021, 07:36 AM

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