Winter High MUF Sporadic E - 14.07.21
This winter has seen some unusual Sporadic E propagation up to 144 MHz bands.

Yesterday 14.07.21, in the late afternoon, myself and some others in New South Wales came across some high MUF Sporadic E, at least up to the top of the FM Broadcast band. Unfortunately there was no one north of Brisbane on 144 MHz WSPR so potential 2m path discovery was missed.

Virtually all of the signals that I received on the FM Broadcast band were focused around the Townsville and Cairns districts, and the signals were very strong at times and it lasted a few hours till about 30 mins after sundown.

Attached are some photos of the FM Radio RDS decodes. Also I have uploaded a video to youtube of 103.9 Triple T - Townsville being received easily here, SW of Wagga NSW. 


These are all Townsville stations @ 1770 km, except 99.5 which is Cairns @ 2000 km
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West

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Winter High MUF Sporadic E - 14.07.21 - by VK2KRR - 15-07-2021, 06:21 AM

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