2017 Summer VHF/UHF Field Day - Jan 14 and 15
Greetings to all.
I too am looking forward to this coming weekend's event! Weather permitting, I plan to be operating for a few hours from Mt Gravatt in Brisbane (QG62MK) on the Saturday evening after about 7:00 p.m., followed on the Sunday morning by the Border Ranges National Park (QG61NP) from around 6:00 a.m. through to the end of the contesting period.
The weather is presently looking like it could be OK, even if the Summer heat does have it's drawbacks, with just some chance of rain on the Sunday morning. As a single operator, rain is a show stopper as far as I am concerned.
Equipment should be all bands from 50 MHz to 47 GHz, some of them depending on the availability of other stations operating....
Talk back/liaison could be 144.175 SSB, or 146.5 FM, or 439 FM, the FM simplex 'channels' being preferred.
Here's hoping for some extended propagation modes occurring!
Cheers and 73,
--Doug Friend, VK4OE.

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