ACMA consultation : Draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2021–26 – 10/2021
Extract from Part1, Section 18 of the  Five-year spectrum outlook 2021–26 work program document released today (29/9/21) :

September 2021


Amateur radio

The amateur service is a longstanding user of radiofrequency spectrum, with a range of bands made available for qualified amateurs. The amateur service is designed primarily to facilitate hobby radiocommunications and technical experimentation. Amateur radio operators communicate using transmission modes including, but not limited to, Morse code, voice, and data.

Apparatus licences are issued authorising the operation of amateur radio across a wide range of frequencies. Licence conditions applying to these licences are set under the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015, depending on the level of qualification held and any applicable geographic limitations.

The ACMA’s amateur-related work program is multidimensional. We support the amateur service through planning arrangements that recognise the requests of amateur radio operators to access frequency bands, while balancing other demands for spectrum. We also work with the Australian Maritime College on examinations for certificates and call sign allocations.

In early 2021, we sought views on our review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements. Our aim was to find the best licensing mechanism to reduce regulatory burden and minimise costs for licensees, while also keeping the current benefits and uses. We have identified a set of options:
>keep the existing apparatus licensing arrangements and conditions
>simplify the existing licensing arrangements and conditions
>transition non-assigned stations to class licensing arrangements, while keeping apparatus licensing arrangements for assigned stations.

Our preferred approach is to authorise the operation of non-assigned amateur and outpost stations under a class licence. We will assess submissions received against our objectives for the review and our preferred option.

We are also aware that many amateurs continue to be interested in operating their stations at higher power limits. Pending implementation of the outcomes associated with the review of licensing arrangements, we are examining the feasibility of, and options for, higher power licensing. We will consult with the amateur community on any regulatory proposals that may emerge.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA consultation : Draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2021–26 – 10/2021 - by VK4ADC - 29-09-2021, 03:13 PM

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