ACMA - Amateur radio update: August 2021
new update : October 2021

Due to the complexity of the original email notification with graphs etc, and the lack of a link to ACMA web site detailing the info, the content is being made available as a PDF :

.pdf   ACMA Oct 2021 Update.pdf (Size: 665.01 KB / Downloads: 360)

It starts off with :

8 October 2021

Amateur radio update: October 2021 In our fourth amateur e-bulletin for 2021, we provide an update on:

. the implementation of 2x1 contest callsigns

. amateur non-assigned licence tenure.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA - Amateur radio update: August 2021 - by VK4ADC - 08-10-2021, 01:54 PM

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