2022 Anzac Day contest builds on Australia Day event
Anzac Day contest builds on Australia Day event
(from Amateur Radio magazine Vol 90 No 1, page 35)

In announcing the trial of a new contest for Wednesday 26th January this year, the organisers foreshadowed a repeat for Anzac Day, Monday 25th April.

The rules for the Anzac Day Contest are derived from the Oceania DX contest , said the organiser, Trent VK4TS.

The purpose is to encourage Amateur Radio Activity with stations in Australia and New Zealand.

It is also designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants.

Amateurs in VK and ZL are to try contacting amateurs world-wide.

There are four categories, covering single and multioperator participants, and four sub-categories, for Phone, CW and Digital, 6-hour and 24-hours.
The start time will be 1200 UTC 24th April, concluding at 1159 UTC 25th April.

Contacts may be made on all allocated amateur bands from MF (160 metres) through HF, except the WARC bands of 30, 17 and 12 metres, which
are excluded by IARU agreement from all contest operations.

Winners will be announced within 30 days after the event.

Editor's Note : The rules for the Anzac Day event are not yet on the page at https://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/about/ but will probably appear shortly, with any alterations made to the rules based on the 2022 Australia Day contest's comments and outcome.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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2022 Anzac Day contest builds on Australia Day event - by VK4ADC - 17-02-2022, 01:30 PM

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