23-on-23: Wednesday March 23, 2022
Welcome to the March 23-on-23.

I hate to admit it, but Wednesday March 23, 2022 [tomorrow - apologies life and QRL is getting in the way of anything interesting at present] is the next scheduled 23-on-23!

It will provide an opportunity to practice social distancing, whilst still communicating, and another opportunity to activate your 1,296MHz and other uWave home station capabilities.
Operations are typically conducted as follows:
Start time: 10:00z / 8:00pm AEST in VK4 – or - 09:00z / 8:00pm ADST in VK2, 3 & 5
QRG: 1,296.100MHz

Digital, 2,400/2,403 and 3.398MHz
Start time: 11:00z / 9:00pm AEST
23cm QRG: 1,296.225MHz (Mode JT65)
13cm QRG: 2,400.100MHz or 2,403.100MHz USB
9cm QRG: 3,398.100MHz

These events are designed to develop the level of activity on 23cm and above amateur bands.

Everyone is very welcome to participate. Please do not hesitate to share with others who you know have capability and see if we can continue to grow the numbers of participating stations, by promoting with your local club, on other forums and FB pages.

Activity is not limited to stations within SE VK4, and the growing contingent from VK2 and even VK5 in the last couple of 23-on-23 activation events.

As is often proven, if the participating stations are unaware of your operation, there is a high likelihood that you won’t be worked. [Quite simple and very logical really!]

Please take a moment to share advice of your participation here, and on the night log into VKSpotter2m and above’ page and chat, so that attention to 'exploiting' the path can be achieved.

Good luck to everyone.
de VK4CZ
Clear Mountain QG62lp

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23-on-23: Wednesday March 23, 2022 - by VK4CZ - 22-03-2022, 08:08 PM

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