GPS locking using PROGROCK LO synthesisers
(08-12-2016, 07:58 AM)VK2JDS Wrote: This is a very cheap stand-alone gps module that outputs 1pps. Should be just whats required for the progrock.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... SwYHxWOGWy</a><!-- m -->

Will see how it goes whenit arrives.
73 Dave
Hi Dave 
the Progrock is a bugger to program and to get accurate for use on IC910H  to lock to a 1296 Mhz frequency for stability using WSJTX  digital modes  .
I have tried for ages,  just too drifty . Disciplined oscillators  just dont make it . The oscillators have to be locked to a 10 Mhz GPS signal .
vk7MO had the right combination   you need a 30.2Mhz signal/crystal /oscillator and  GPS 10Mhz signal  through a system of dividers  down to 200Hz and compare both to output the Lock to the  switched out ic910 oscillator input . I have accomplished   this using VK7MO ( borrowed old PLL ) and my Trimble GPS .


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