Digital modes pseudo-contest details, 9th April 2022
Details of the  ‘pseudo-contest’ / Sprint ( a Claytons contest !) follow :

Cross-reference post :

Digital modes only and nominally using the JMMFD rules for logging

Aim:  (a) To create proof (rather than anecdotal recall) that digital mode contesting can comply with slight variations of the 'normal' contest rules and thus allow for inclusion in future events
         (b) generate data that can be used to test the WSJT-X, Dig_Link (and supporting software), VKCL etc. to validate QSOs that are automatically added to normal contest logs.

When : Saturday afternoon, 9th April 2022,  0600UTC to 0700UTC ( so we do not interfere with anybody's Easter activities )

FT8 :  7070, 14085, 50300, 144300 KHz – note that these are not standard FT8 frequencies so interference is not caused to normal FT8 operations.
(They will need to be added to the Frequencies list in WSJT-X before this event then removed afterwards.)
FT4 : standard FT4 frequencies, as minimal activity is expected, but is catered for.
Other exotic digital modes : standard frequencies.

( a )  WSJT-X (or equivalent) in the EU VHF Contest mode, configured with your 6-character grid square, second UDP ensabled and set to 2333

( b.1 ) Dig_LOG software, set up for a contest in a new folder, select  John Moyle contest,  same 6-character grid square, start date 2022-04-09.
( b.2 ) VKCL V4.15, set up for a contest in a new folder, Master (mstr) mode, select  John Moyle contest,  same 6-character grid square, start date 2022-04-09.

( c ) Dig_Link software, set to UDP 2333. Dig_Link self-discovers most other settings.

It is quite ok to use other software packages (eg JTDX, MSHV) to make QSOs provided they operate in EU VHF contest mode. 
Logging software that interfaces directly with WSJT-X (or equiv) and can operate in JMMFD contest mode can also be used (N1MM+ might, don't know !).

The log extracts must be in ADIF or Cabrillo formats to be of use.

NOTE :  I will be available on a temporary chat facility at "  " with login IDs of   any1, any2, any3,... to .. any9 with a blank password as much as I can on Saturday 9th April to help anyone who has issues with the Dig_Link, Dig_LOG, WSJT-X or VKCL software setup and use..    I will try to also keep an eye on the HF Chat channel on

What : Sprint mode : Work as many stations in VK / ZL / P29 using digital modes as you can within the hour period, HF or VHF+, repeat contacts with the same station on the same band/s are included (ie no rework exclusion). No cross-band. { Ideally work without VKCL running so you don't see any 'can't-work' messages ! }  DX QSOs can be worked but will not score points.

Exchanges : These will consist of callsigns, 6-character grids, RS plus serial number (4 digits in S/No) each way, time stamped, frequency denoted. 
This is the standard exchange in EU VHF contest mode.

Finally :
At the end of the one hour period, restart Dig_Log or VKCL if not already running, View Log, create log entry and save it, create an ADIF file also – normal prompts apply.
Use the ‘Finalise...’ button at RHS bottom of Dig-Link or Dig_Log after the Cabrillo and ADIF logs have been created in Dig_Log to create a ZIP file in the contest log folder.

Very last thing :
Create a new email, address to 'contest logs @ vk4adc . com' or 'vk4adc  @ wia . org . au' (remove spaces first), subject ‘Test Contest Log’, just your callsign in the email body and attach the ZIP file from the contest log folder, Send.

Now if you have been playing around testing the software before the event date (as most of us do), logging WSJT-X output into a test contest log and checking it in VKCL, that is all ok.  Simply close VKCL and Dig-Link, use File Explorer to browse to the contest log folder, delete the files VKCLog.db3 and VKCLog.cf3 (optional : and any other files in the same folder).  Restart VKCL or Dig_Log and create a new contest in the same folder, JMMFD mode, with the specified settings, start Dig-Link and off you go again in WSJT-X....  That means you can test it as many times as you desire, just deleting the test log files. Note that standard QSOs will be logged as well as when in the EU contest mode but accurate points will not be allocated.
An extra little trick : if you browse to the Dig_Link installation folder (default C:\Dig_Link\ ), there is a file there named 'udp_log.txt' which contains all of the ADIF data output captured from WSJT-X while Dig-Link is active, and that file can be imported into most logging software packages to supply any unlogged QSOs while you were testing.. Copy it and keep it safe to use later.

More details for configuring the various software packages are in a PDF within the Dig_Link software distribution. 

It is important that participants actually read the details in the Dig_Link.PDF file if they intend using the Dig_Link and or Dig_Log software coupled to WSJT-X.

The plan is to collect the resulting log files, the normal log entry plus some extra files in a ZIP, so that I can re-process them here and check my scoring processes from the raw data files.  It should then be easy to solve any outstanding issues.  It can also be presented to the WIA Contest Managers in an effort to get them to consider digital mode options in future VK contests.

The Dig-Link project details are now on my web site at :

VKCL logging software is at :

Note that the FT8 frequencies are temporary use only, just one hour, and apologies are made in advance for any QRM that may result from their use.

Any questions :  Email one of the above addresses, or post back to this forum topic.

73 Doug VK4ADC, the 'Claytons' contest (??) organiser
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Digital modes pseudo-contest details, 9th April 2022 - by VK4ADC - 30-03-2022, 03:58 PM

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