Legality of importing a SDR with Tx capability
It is probably going to be difficult to get an official ruling on this sort of product as there are probably no significant or readily available rulings on what might be imported for devices of this class and of/with similar specifications.

It is not really a transmitter since the CW output power is rated as +8dBm (ie under 10mW).  It is probably of more use as a receiver than transmitter in most applications. Depending on the final application, it could also be used as a piece of test equipment (eg signal generator with frequency sweep option).

The only import cost or limitation I can contemplate might be the application of  a GST component applied at the time of passing through Customs, unless the seller has an option to charge Aus GST in their checkout process and it is paid at that point..

Others might have alternative suggestions so best wait for other posts....

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: Legality of importing a SDR with Tx capability - by VK4ADC - 24-07-2022, 07:42 AM

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