Aust 2x1 callsigns now available 13Oct21
From the ACMA update of 15 Nov 2022 :

"Allocation of 2x1 contest callsigns

We have recently received queries about the allocation and use of 2x1 contest callsigns.

Due to demand within the amateur radio sector for 2x1 callsigns for use in amateur radio contests, we worked with the Australian Maritime College (AMC) to develop administrative arrangements to support the allocation and use of these callsigns.

The arrangements for 2x1 callsigns, as outlined in the October 2021 amateur radio update, are:

The AMC manages the allocation of the 2x1 callsigns on behalf of the ACMA.
Call signs are allocated in accordance with the callsign template: VK$A-Z, VJ$A-Z and VL$A-Z.

Callsigns are:
  • issued exclusively for amateur radio contests
  • limited to amateur radio clubs and holders of an Amateur Operator's Certificate of Proficiency – Advanced
  • limited to one 2x1 callsign per licensed station – not including repeater or beacon licences 
  • allocated on a first-come, first-served basis 
  • issued for 12 months.

Successful 2x1 callsign applicants are not required to obtain a new licence or vary an existing licence.

There are no direct regulatory controls on the use of 2x1 callsigns. The ACMA’s view remains that most matters relating to call sign management, including 2x1 contest call signs, are not specific regulatory requirements. Instead, they are operational policies or established conventions and practices that we consider are better managed by the amateur radio sector.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Aust 2x1 callsigns now available 13Oct21 - by VK5ZD - 17-10-2021, 08:54 AM
RE: Aust 2x1 callsigns now available 13Oct21 - by VK5ZD - 12-11-2021, 07:32 AM
RE: Aust 2x1 callsigns now available 13Oct21 - by VK4ADC - 15-11-2022, 09:08 AM

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