Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia Inc
Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia Inc

The Radio Amateurs Old timers Club of Australia (RAOTC) is eager to attract new members, particularly younger members, to help to keep the spirit of Amateur Radio alive, revitalise the club and ensure its continued existence. We believe that there is a place for a club like ours which complements existing amateur radio clubs and other amateur organisations.

Many amateurs know very little about the RAOTC. Here are some ideas and information about the RAOTC that may be worth considering to someone who has been qualified to hold an Amateur Licence for ten or more years.

To many, an ‘old timer’ portrays the wrong image. As you know, an ‘old timer’ does not have to be a person of mature years and a good explanation of this appears on the RAOTC web page at In fact, the first Foundation Licence holders are now eligible for membership of the RAOTC!

The RAOTC is a National club with a membership of around 470 amateurs spread right around Australia, stronger in some States than in others. It does not hold regular meetings or other activities as do other radio clubs, so no regular commitment of time is necessary. The RAOTC holds two luncheons per year in Melbourne, a monthly luncheon in Perth and an annual luncheon in Adelaide. Members have the opportunity to meet up with friends over a meal and a drink. It would be good if membership would grow sufficiently in other states so they could also enjoy meeting at similar get-togethers.

The RAOTC can assist members and their families, and advise them what to do with radio equipment, books and components belonging to radio amateurs who are no longer on the air for various reasons.

If you would like to join the RAOTC, there is an application form for membership available as a PDF and, if you decide to join before 1st January 2017, the $5.00 joining fee will be waived.

(This info was extracted from an invitation I recently received to join RAOTC, but there was more than could be posted if someone asks.)


Don't forget the RAOTC QSO Party on 40M and 20M on Saturday, 8th October 2016

Full details at

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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