2023 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day weekend June 24th & 25th
We (VK3KQ/P) were forced to abandon our field day effort yesterday due to filthy WX, terribly poor site conditions, two members sick and one ended up in hospital not long after we started on site.

WX permitting, I may go to Mt Buninyong QF12XI13 this arvo for a few hours. Info on Contest Radar and I hope to be on the VK Spotter. Bands: 2 & 70FM, 1296, 2.4, 3.4 & 5.7

Sunday update: I ended up going to Mt Buninyong at QF12XI, made a total of five contacts on 2 & 70 in the rain, then went to the Barrabool Hills (west of Geelong) at QF21DT this morning to make three contacts on 2m in the rain. There was little activity after dinner on Sat night and not much this morning either. The uWave gear stayed nice and dry in the back of my vehicle during the two day road trip... :-)  Our patient has since had foot surgery overnight and won't be very mobile for the next six weeks... that's our Winter FD for another year...

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RE: 2023 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day weekend June 24th & 25th - by VK3BA - 24-06-2023, 11:05 AM

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