2024 WIA AGM details ?
The WIA AGM in 2024 will be held in Bundy BUT (although it's still 6-odd months away) some of us will need to forward plan a trip if we wish to attend.   Accommodation bookings may be scarce so early arrangements could be useful to many, and we can't do that without details.

BARC Facebook info :  
The Bundy radio club have some exciting news to share!!
Our club has been selected to host the annual National WIA Convention / AGM in May 2024 up here in Bundaberg!
The event promises to be an amazing weekend full of interesting activities for kids of all ages.
We will hold our "HamFest 2.0" which will be 10 times the size of the one we held in April this year!
Icom Australia will be there and many others to be confirmed- We will take the opportunity to have another Open Day / Show and Tell showcasing our hobby and our club to the local community and visitors.
The weekend will include a keynote speaker and open Forum as well as a formal dinner and WIA AGM.. 
More details to follow!

So, where is the AGM going to be held in Bundy ?  Where will the dinner be held ?  Expected costs ?

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Messages In This Thread
2024 WIA AGM details ? - by VK4ADC - 05-08-2023, 11:19 AM
RE: 2024 WIA AGM details ? - by VK3BA - 06-08-2023, 07:35 PM
RE: 2024 WIA AGM details ? - by VK4ADC - 27-03-2024, 08:23 PM

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