Microwave display - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention - Sunday 4th Feb 2024
G’day to all VK3 Microwavers...
On Sunday the 4th of February 2024 will be the annual Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention… BARG Hamvention
With the help of others, I’m planning on setting up a promotional display of microwave gear for attendees to see with the intent of attracting more people to microwave radio operations. Yes, there is life beyond 10metres. I’ll also be promoting the VK3RBA linked network… VK3RBA QRZ page  as well as Amateur Radio Victoria who maintain many of the repeaters around Victoria… Amateur Radio Victoria
I’ve already received offers of assistance from a few BARG members and Amateur Radio Victoria are committed to assist. I’m waiting to hear back from a manufacturer from Japan to see if they’re interested in being involved as well.  
I’ve booked two tables worth of space and if anyone was interested in bringing along and displaying their microwave gear, including antennas, to bring them along to display. It would be great if you could also print out an A4 sized sign on who’s it is and what it is and attach it to your equipment. I’ve booked a GPO for the stand, therefore if you wish to power up your gear, bring along a small power supply and plug it in. The display area will predominantly taped off so that hands-on access will be restricted, but close enough to enable attendees to see the equipment, method of construction, etc and maybe gather some clues & ideas of how to go about it and where to get the bits to build a system. The display will be supervised at all times. There may also be an opportunity to do some live testing from a test station outside to a couple of systems inside the building, including a test ATV broadcast link.
None of the displayed gear will be for sale – it is purely to help promote microwave radio and attract some more people to get involved – more contacts for the rest of us.
So if you’re interested in bringing some gear along to show and encourage others, let me know so that I can plan the display.


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Microwave display - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention - Sunday 4th Feb 2024 - by VK3BA - 15-11-2023, 08:05 PM

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