ADS-B Receivers needed - AirScout Aircraft Scatter Software
Hi All,

Apologies as this will be posted across multiple groups.

Users of AirScout, the software that calculates the angle/line between two stations to enable a contacts to be made via AE enhancement, would have noticed that the plane feed information has not been working for a few weeks now due to the sites that the software was gathering the ADS-B data from, either no longer working or have closed off access to the data.

We may have a solution to have AirScout working for all VK Amateurs again!

As noted on the AirScout news page (, Thomas, OV3T is providing a server (and backup server) for gathering ADS-B data from volunteer receivers and then distributing the data for users of the AirScout software via a plugin and/or manual feed line.  This has been very successful in Europe - details at

This has been so successful in Europe that Thomas now provides this as a free service (but donations are welcome to ensure the service continues).

I've emailed Thomas and asked if it would be possible to provide the same service for Australian Amateurs, and the good news is yes, it should be no problems.

BUT, we need ADS-B data.  If you have a ADS-B receiver currently up and working it could be as simple as feeding the data to Thomas' server.  My understanding is that you can still feed your data to where ever you're currently feeding it to, but you can also send it to Thomas' server to help get AirScout working in Australia again.

Once enough data from Australia is sent to Thomas, Thomas' servers will be able to provide coverage.

Thomas is happy to liaise directly with people willing to share their ADS-B data for setup etc.  Thomas's email address is  Please keep us informed as how you progress.


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ADS-B Receivers needed - AirScout Aircraft Scatter Software - by VK1JA - 25-11-2023, 04:36 PM

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