Microwave display - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention - Sunday 4th Feb 2024
G'day all,

As part of the display, I intend on running a few videos and series of photos on rotation to help give newbies some ideas. So if you've got any field day, portable or microwave related pics that you like to add to the slideshow for everyone at the Ballarat Hamvention to see, feel free to email them to me at nikp007 at bigpond dot com

Don't forget that the 2024 Summer VHF/UHF Field Day weekend is on the 13th & 14th of January, which is a great opportunity to take some nice field day pics to share. 


As a side note, I’m in the middle of re-building my portable/roving microwave station and as a result, I’ll have a 5GHz panel antenna (as new, works and I’ve made a few contacts with this) for sale at the Ballarat Hamvention as well as some various lengths of hardline terminated with SMA connectors. Also a GARC 3.4GHz panel antenna will be available for free – as parts only – severely failed return loss at 3.4GHz which explains my nil 3.4Gig contacts thus far. The transverter was proven to work well yesterday on the test bench.
I may also have at least two 10GHz 2ft antennas to give away as well. But there will be conditions to the give away of these. Because they’re free, doesn’t mean you can take them and later on put them up for re-sale. I’ll be far from impressed if I see this and is not in the spirit of hams helping out hams. They are free to a couple of people who have equipment ready to go on 10GHz but are lacking a suitable antenna – these are for those people and for someone that will regularly use it and create more activity. You will need to source your own WG-SMA transition, but these are readily available on eBay. I may have a spare for sale on the day. All available at the Ballarat Hamvention only. If you want any of these items, get to the Ballarat Hamvention… Ballarat Hamvention 2024


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RE: Microwave display - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention - Sunday 4th Feb 2024 - by VK3BA - 22-12-2023, 07:56 AM

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