ACMA update 13 December 2023 re Class Licensing changes
While not from the ACMA, the following article from the VK1WIA text news for 24 Dec 2023 has some interesting parallel ideas :

" Ofcom in the UK have sweeping changes proposed for everything related to amateur radio -- from call signs and power levels to the terms under which a Notice of Variation is needed.

Jeremy Boot G4NJH gives us an overview.

JEREMY: A general notice from Ofcom has alerted radio amateurs in the UK to various licence changes the regulator is proposing.  Licence variations are being proposed starting in February, affecting the use of Regional Secondary Locators, suffixes and unlicensed individuals' use of an amateur radio. Power limits would also be raised under certain conditions for Foundation, Intermediate and Full licensees.

Additional changes proposed for later in the year include more flexible approvals for special event stations and replacement of the issuance of the Intermediate licence series "2" callsign with "M8" and "M9" instead. Changes to occur in late 2024, or early 2025, include the ability to change one's callsign periodically but no more than once every five years.

A full list of the vast array of changes - introduced in June of this year- is available on the regulator's website. Ofcom is encouraging representations to be submitted on these proposals no later than 5 p.m. local time on the 22nd of January.

This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH."
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA update 13 December 2023 re Class Licensing changes - by VK4ADC - 22-12-2023, 12:45 PM

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