ADS-B Receivers needed - AirScout Aircraft Scatter Software
To add to this...

In AirScout you will notice that you have the option to add a second ADSB server to the config to permit load sharing. This also provides some redundancy and the ability to add aircraft that may not be seen by the other server.

I've been in contact with the admin of and he is quite happy to allow us to use his server to retrieve data as well.

He is in need of feeds to fill in holes of his coverage too.

I've also been working out how to feed his server with my data. He doesn't have a "feed package " that you can download and install like you can with aussieADSB.

BUT... that doesn't matter ?

AussieADSB uses a program called ModeSmixer2 to feed it data, the nice thing about MM2 is it can feed multiple servers once you know the destination, port, and data type of the server you want to feed.

For those of you who have installed a feed to AussieADSB its a simple task to edit the config file and add to the config of its MM2.

On your system you should find the config here...


Open that with your favourite editor and change the feed line to this...

/usr/share/aussieadsbclient/mm2bin/modesmixer2deb10x86_64 --inConnect --log-file /var/log/aussieADSB.log --log-level 4 --outConnect --outConnect

That command should all be on one line, this post will probably wrap it so pay attention to this.

I've added the log statement so you can see what is going on but the important bit is the --outConnect statements.

If you have an install of ModeMixer2 from some other feeder you are using, the same addition applies, just add --outConnect

Save your edits and restart the feed service. On my system it was this...

sudo systemctl restart modesmixer2

If you look at the log file you should see something similar to this...

timt@cumulus:~$ tail /var/log/aussieADSB.log
2023-12-24 05:50:20.908  INFO    Closed successfully
2023-12-24 05:50:21.079  INFO    outConnect( connecting
2023-12-24 05:50:21.093  INFO    outConnect( connected
2023-12-24 05:50:21.103  INFO    outConnect( connecting
2023-12-24 05:50:21.104  INFO    inConnect( connecting
2023-12-24 05:50:21.105  INFO    inConnect( connected
2023-12-24 05:50:21.144  INFO    outConnect( connected
2023-12-24 05:50:21.468  INFO    inConnect( BEAST data stream detected
2023-12-24 05:50:24.590  INFO    The Coverage Area was determined
2023-12-24 05:50:24.592  INFO    The Magnetic Declination was calculated

As you can see, my ADSB receiver is connected to both radars now.

So... for AirScout, go into your config you have made for AussieADSB and you will see an option to add a second server and load balance between the two.

Set "load Balance" to "true" and change the URL of the server line to this...

close the config and save it.

FYI... the reason the URL syntax is a bit different between AussieADSB and ANZ-Air is that they are both running different versions of the Virtual Radar Server.

AussieADSB is running v3.0 beta and ANZ-Air is running the current main stream version of v2.4.4. This is also why AussieADSB sometimes returns an error since the server s/w is a beta and it has bugs.

So there we are... two Australian servers to use for AirScout ?

For those of you who are feeding data, or want to feed data and need help, you are welcome to contact me directly for assistance.

If you are in a remote location please consider building a receiver and contributing, this will go a long way to enhancing the service and enhancing the ability of AirScout to provide us with the data we need.



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RE: ADS-B Receivers needed - AirScout Aircraft Scatter Software - by VK2XAX - 25-12-2023, 10:22 AM

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