AREG - Adelaide Radio Experimeters Group - Hamfest Saturday 25th October 2024
G'day All,

I've heard on the grapevine that the AREG might be holding a Hamfest on Saturday the 25th October this year. I've heard that the club may make announcements later on re the confirmation of this event.

Two things...

- Depending on the interest, I was thinking of booking a table or two to demonstrate & promote some microwave gear & operations. Plus I have to return the favour of Iain VK5ZD of his big effort in coming to the Ballarat Hamvention last weekend with his microwave gear to display and help recruit some newbies.
- Would there be a few microwave operators be interested in heading out to work some microwave bands in the days before and/or after? I was thinking of making a week of it - any excuse to make an escape from lockdown central in VK3.
- I'll have all bands from 2m to 10GHz (inc 3.4G) and maybe by late this year I could have 24GHz ready as well.


Messages In This Thread
AREG - Adelaide Radio Experimeters Group - Hamfest Saturday 25th October 2024 - by VK3BA - 07-02-2024, 09:25 PM

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