JOTA 2016
I have been approached by Ashmore Scouts on the Qld Gold Coast to assist with a JOTI/JOTA activation on 15/16 October 2016.

I can sort out most of the requirements but I am wondering if there are any Advanced or Standard call (in particular but won't say no to an enthusiastic FL) who lives in the vicinity of the northern part of the Gold Coast and who would be able to provide some hands-on either day.

The 'hands-on' will be either operating on HF or VHF, directing a UHF fox hunt or one of the anticipated JOTA activities. UHF handhelds (which can operate at 441.1, 441.2, 441.3, 441.4) would be useful for the likes of the fox hunt, wide games and the phonetics message passing so if you have one of those, that would be a bonus.

There looks to be possibly 100 scouts attending at the Asmore Den over the weekend and the larger the number of operators then the more likely that they can complete all of the currently-planned JOTA activities.

The scouts will also have a bank of JOTI computer set up so there will be options to make contacts even if HF propagation is poor.

The equipment, antennas, coaxes etc is all to hand and setup on Saturday AM /pulldown Sunday PM is under control.

PM me if you think you may be able to help.

73 Doug VK4ADC
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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