Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024
Hi Roger,

Back in about 2008 I came across a copy of the magazine in my (then) local newsagent and bought it.

I thought it to be an interesting read.

By mid 2009 I had my foundation licence and started working towards standard and advanced. By this time I was a WIA member and got the regular deliveries.

Over the years the magazine drifted into being a bit of club newsletter with few if any technical articles and far too many "back in the old days" articles, so I stopped reading. It kept arriving but I rarely opened the plastic.

Does your tag line "More guts, less gab" mean the editorial direction has changed? Is it returning to a more technical direction?

I guess I should open the next one and have a stickybeak.

Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)

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RE: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024 - by VK2CSW - 23-05-2024, 09:25 AM

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