Do I keep AHRDF going ?
Welcome to the forum.

I intentionally did not include "likes" in the forum setup.  My opinion (which could be wrong) is that they distract from the real message in the post. The 'message' is what is important and not whether others push a pseudo-button to show their support - or not - for the topic. And the 'New Reply' button is there for people to cast their own comments upon the sometimes murky waters...

The place for 'off-topic' comments/discussion/funny things is already there under "General discussion" - strangely marked as "General discussion - When it doesn't fit anywhere else".

Doug, admin
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.

Messages In This Thread
Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 15-06-2023, 05:28 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK3RX - 15-06-2023, 06:47 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 16-06-2023, 07:51 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK3BA - 21-06-2023, 07:11 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 28-06-2023, 09:10 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK3RX - 29-06-2023, 06:45 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 29-06-2023, 07:03 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK5PJ - 02-07-2023, 12:28 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK3RX - 02-07-2023, 03:26 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK6MIK - 02-07-2023, 12:34 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK7ZPD - 15-07-2023, 09:54 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 19-07-2023, 08:49 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 14-05-2024, 08:11 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4UH - 15-05-2024, 06:46 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK5PJ - 14-05-2024, 09:56 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK2AZ - 15-05-2024, 10:52 AM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK2PAH - 11-06-2024, 12:08 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK4ADC - 11-06-2024, 04:55 PM
RE: Do I keep AHRDF going ? - by VK2PAH - 11-06-2024, 08:52 PM

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