star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a return
Welcome to star date 89042.1 [July 2035], yes sorry for the star trek reference, when today the ARRL announces the return of the LOTW service for QSO verification, sadly this is also the day that Donald Trump Junior announces an executive order that declares HAM RADIO as a social media outlet.  In this executive order, the content of all voice contacts must be run through and AI engine owned by Elon Musk junior before being aired. This effectively makes all real time voice contacts via HAMS's in the USA a felony crime.  Angel

On a brighter note the membership of the WIA and the RSGB sky rockets as the USA hams seek to apply for a license via their portals. Cool

I hope this brings you a smile as on air activity seems to be at a low ebb.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill

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star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a return - by VK5PJ - 12-06-2024, 04:20 PM

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