star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a return
Star date 90920.2 (June 2037) Today in a mid year earnings report, a spokes person for VKSPOTTER.COM pty ltd announced that the meteoric rise in online virtual contesting via the VKSPOTTER platform (now it 30 countries and 12 languages), since the ban on HAM radio actives in the USA, has seen the company explode in size. The spokes person went on to say that both Hilary and Tim are extremely proud of where their fledgling project has taken them to and now plan to retire and let the AI engine to continue running the contests and creating new DXCC identities for contest activities. 

The spokes person went on to say, the projected profit growth will see these two gents climb into the Forbes magazine top 20 'rich dudes' by the end of the year.  This stellar growth has necessitated a move of the extensive server farm that is needed to service these 'contests' to the newly formed tax haven of Tasmania, where recently, the heat signature from the server farm made it into the top 10 hot spots seen from the now very old international space station, which is soon to be replaced by the 'Harrison' space port.


End Announcement and my last bit of fiction for now Big Grin hope I have not offended anyone, if so I will remove it.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill

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RE: star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a return - by VK5PJ - 13-06-2024, 07:44 PM

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