has anyone had any luck using IRC's in VK?
Looking for advice from those who have more experience with QSL-ing than I have.  In the past I had collected a huge number of the OLD IRC's from contacts with JA stations on SIX but must admit I never tried to use any, then all of the older ones went end-of-life so just put them in the house fire one night.

I have recently received a few of the modern IRC's from some JA stations and thought I would try and use one as an experiment.  My local Australia Post outlet tried to scan it a number of times and then told me with some authority, if it does not scan they cannot accept it.

Now I know VK is a part of the International Post agreements (forgive me I cannot recall its proper name) so it makes me wonder if others have found a way to make use of IRC's when posting QSL's overseas?
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

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- Winston Churchill

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has anyone had any luck using IRC's in VK? - by VK5PJ - 23-06-2024, 02:32 PM

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