24-08-2024, 08:55 AM
The proximity of the wire components to the large metal shed roofs will also contrbute extra capacitance (effectively to ground) where in a truly free-up-in-the-air mounting, that capacitance would be far lower. The effect : lower resonant frequency.
Recall F = 1/2*Pi* square root LC ; where increasing C reduces F
To solve, you either need to raise the height of the OCF substantially (reducing C) or orient it sideways over unobstructed ground (ie no sheds) {reducing C) or, as you have done, reduce the L component - due to length - to shift the frequency upwards.
Unobstructed does not necessarily mean no trees, but a greater distance above ground.(reducing C)
Gotta be reasons why we have to learn electronics / radio theory to qualify for amateur radio licences !! Just a matter of applying the theory.
The proximity of the wire components to the large metal shed roofs will also contrbute extra capacitance (effectively to ground) where in a truly free-up-in-the-air mounting, that capacitance would be far lower. The effect : lower resonant frequency.
Recall F = 1/2*Pi* square root LC ; where increasing C reduces F
To solve, you either need to raise the height of the OCF substantially (reducing C) or orient it sideways over unobstructed ground (ie no sheds) {reducing C) or, as you have done, reduce the L component - due to length - to shift the frequency upwards.
Unobstructed does not necessarily mean no trees, but a greater distance above ground.(reducing C)
Gotta be reasons why we have to learn electronics / radio theory to qualify for amateur radio licences !! Just a matter of applying the theory.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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