Choice of antenna analyser
first real life for real test of the SA-250 where I had no idea what the outcome would be, had recently built a small DL6WU style yagi for the club AIS receiver and this was my first go at a split dipole on a yagi.

As I do not have an exciter for 162 MHz to use a traditional SWR bridge so the SA-250 had to be relied on to tell me whether it was going to be Big Grin or :oops:

whether by good luck or subconsious planning the final assembly happened just on dusk and when I used the SA-250 to do the readings, the display was quite pleasant to read (sun was no where to be seen) and the reported VSWR was 1.13 to 1 on the desired freq and it reported it was 52 ohms (dropped to 50 ohms about 2 MHz down from there)

While it is all but useless in bright light, when the sun is gone it is quite easy to read (glasses required at my age).

still saving for a 'better unit'

Peter Sumner
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

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- Winston Churchill

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