Let's buy an argument - Foundation
the argument that Foundation operators should not have digital modes because they have not been tested on that is really a non argument as none of us foundation,standard or advanced have actually been tested on digital modes. All levels should have access to digital modes and at best a recommendation of correct and proper use of these modes should be produced by the WIA for the guidance of all operators. The procedural type digital modes such as JT65 , Jt9 etc are excellent modes for the foundation operator - they are well self policed and being procedural in operation means the new comer can't do any harm. The worse that can be done is to operate with the ALC too high and that would be well policed by those that use the modes as it is currently . I cannot see any valid argument as to why all levels of license cannot use jt65/jt9

I do believe that in light of our operating environment it is just not reasonable to restrict foundation operators to such low power - we live in a fairly remote environment internationally and locally and the power level for voice transmissions should reflect that - simply bring the base power level up to that is the normal upper limit for just about every commercially available radio - of course that does not mean that operators will operate at that level except when required. Do not change the foundation bands this leaves 20m as the incentive to go to Standard and if the foundation license has digital then it is a large incentive to upgrade


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