Kuhne New Products
Kuhne seem to be going through a process of product renewal at the moment.

New products of interest (to me, anyway) include:
MKU 10 G4 http://shop.kuhne-electronic.de/kuhne/en...?card=1683
- 10 GHz transverter with switchable 2m/70cm IF, inbuilt TCXO and lockable to 10MHz. It's about 50E cheaper than the previous model (G3)

MKU 47 G2 http://shop.kuhne-electronic.de/kuhne/en...?card=1611
- 47 GHz transverter with integrated 2m IF switching, sensitive Rx and typically 60mW output. A separate LO is required and the Elcom 1201 matches nicely.

They are also having a sale of an extensive list of equipment: http://shop.kuhne-electronic.de/kuhne/en...ial-offer/

VK can't purchase directly through their web store (yet). Send an email to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:info@kuhne-electronic.de">info@kuhne-electronic.de</a><!-- e --> and request a quote.
Note that the prices listed include the German 19% VAT which we do not have to pay.
Also, if you're happy to wait for delivery, ask about cheaper shipping options.

I have no connection with Kuhne, financial or otherwise, apart from being a very satisfied owner/user of their equipment.


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