VHF-UHF Contest in US goes distance-based
Their rules state :  

Rover stations may be worked from each four-character grid square in which they operate.

Exchange:  All stations exchange the Six-Character-Grid-Locator (“sub-grid”)

QSO Points: The point value for a contact is computed as the center-to-center distance in kilometers between the sub-grid of each station

The 4 char grid square option for rovers is hard in VK unless you are near a Lat/Long corner (eg QG51/QG52/QG61/QG62 ) which has NIL UHF/microwave access here in SE Qld due to terrain.  It might work out better in some states in the USA.

Hey we (collectively) still haven't decided on either distance or grid square rules for the VK VHF/UHF Field Days  Sad

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: VHF-UHF Contest in US goes distance-based - by VK4ADC - 12-07-2017, 02:11 PM

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