2m amplifier using BLF 278 devices...
Several years ago I purchased a couple of boards from the then VK4DD using the BLF278 devices.....At the time I assembled the two pallets and mounted them on the copper plates with the view of combining the two.....any ways time got away and now I am keen to finish the project......I am wondering if anyone else has used this combo and got it running successfully....I am after any info about setting them up, particularly the bias arrangement.....Cheers...David VK5AYD
Hello David,
not sure if there is any information on the old VKLOGGER forum but you can try here with a few searches

(vk4dd) https://vk4ghz.com/forum/search.php?keyw...2bd7b0013f

(BLF278) https://vk4ghz.com/forum/search.php?keyw...2bd7b0013f

I started down that path even have some left over heat spreaders here I think but ended up selling what I had many moons ago, for reasons I am unsure of.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
G'day Peter....
Thanx for your information....I will follow these links up.....I have slowly been collecting the bits I thought I might need for many years.....but now I need to finish it off.....Got a new Yagi up now need a bit of steam to help it along.....cheers...David

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