ACMA - Amateur radio update: August 2021
18 August 2021

Amateur radio update: August 2021

In our fourth amateur e-bulletin for 2021, we provide the following:

Outcome of the Authority's assessment of amateur radio regulation.
Survey seeking your views on the allocation of 2x1 contest call signs.
Update on our review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements.

Outcome: Authority assessment of amateur radio regulation

Following representations by some amateur radio licensees, we undertook an assessment of the appropriateness of our regulation of amateur radio. The assessment was overseen by Authority member James Cameron, on behalf of the Authority.

The Authority, which consists of the Chair and other members, makes the decisions necessary for the regulatory functions of the ACMA. Some of these decision-making functions have been delegated by the Authority to ACMA staff.

As part of its assessment, the Authority focused on:

The procurement process, decision making, delegation and contract management arrangements in place under the Deed of Agreement between the ACMA and the University of Tasmania’s Australian Maritime College (AMC).
Regulatory development, including consultation and implementation activities undertaken in relation to services provided under the Deed.
The assessment and associated recommendations, which have been endorsed by the Authority, concluded that the procurement process complied with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules and the related ACMA policy and procedural documentation, the Procurement and Contract Management Guide – Mandatory procedures and responsibilities, and the Procurement and Contracting Management Instruction.

The assessment found that decisions relating to amateur radio were well reasoned and appropriately informed by the views of the amateur radio community.

With respect to communication with the amateur community, the assessment concluded that there was scope for improvement. For example, the assessment recommended that, wherever possible, staff consider various strategies for engagement with the amateur radio community on regulatory reforms. To that end, the assessment commended the successful amateur e-bulletin as a way to reach the broader amateur community in addition to the representative bodies.

The assessment also found that ACMA staff could be more proactive in managing issues under the Deed. ACMA staff will commence formal and regular engagement with the AMC contract manager to discuss performance levels under the Deed. We have written to the AMC requesting disaggregated complaints data and monthly reporting on service level performance commencing from 1 July 2021. These requests are additional to what is required under the Deed.

In addition, the assessment found that greater visibility could be provided to the Authority of activities and decisions in relation to amateur radio matters taken by ACMA staff under delegation.
We have published a report on our website that provides further information about the Authority’s assessment.

Report :

Survey: 2x1 call sign allocation

We are aware of interest in the amateur community for the issue for 2x1 call signs for use in amateur radio contests. The ACMA has discussed arrangements for 2x1 call signs with the Australian Maritime College. The AMC will manage the allocation of the 2x1 contest call signs on behalf of us.

Amateurs will not be required to obtain a new licence or vary an existing licence to use these call signs. The ACMA and the AMC are seeking the views of the amateur radio community on allocation arrangements for 2x1 call signs. Please complete the ACMA survey, which closes on 31 August 2021.

Update: review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements

In February, we consulted on our review of non-assigned amateur and outpost licensing arrangements, which included proposed changes to accreditation arrangements for amateur beacon and repeater assignment.

We received over 800 submissions in response to our consultation. We are currently considering the submissions and hope to update the amateur community on the next steps when we can. We will publish updates via our e-bulletin and on the link to the consultation page provided above.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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new update : October 2021

Due to the complexity of the original email notification with graphs etc, and the lack of a link to ACMA web site detailing the info, the content is being made available as a PDF :

.pdf   ACMA Oct 2021 Update.pdf (Size: 665.01 KB / Downloads: 427)

It starts off with :

8 October 2021

Amateur radio update: October 2021 In our fourth amateur e-bulletin for 2021, we provide an update on:

. the implementation of 2x1 contest callsigns

. amateur non-assigned licence tenure.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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