W1GHZ 10 & 24GHz offset feed horns available again
Hi all,
I've just been made aware that the venerable dual band feed horn from W1GHZ is now being constructed and distributed by The Rochester VHF Group in the US.
Quoting the description...
"Paul Wade, W1GHZ, produced a high-performance dual-band dish feed for 10 and 24 GHz, following the work of AD6FP (now K6MG) and AA6IW, designed to be used with offset dishes. W1GHZ made two previous production runs of these feeds, and they are in use around the world on 10 and 24 GHz with great results. The original design is available here.

These feeds typically show more than 20 dB return loss at 10.368 GHz and 19 dB return loss at 24.192 GHz. They offer typically 30 dB of isolation from 24 to 10 GHz. Isolation from 10 to 24 GHz is much higher because the 24 GHz feed is a waveguide beyond cutoff."
Those interested can order from them, details on this page...


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