ACMA email of 3rd Sep 2024, New fees, reminder to reassign or reconfirm call signs
3 September 2024

New fees, reminder to reassign or reconfirm call signs
New amateur radio fees

From 1 September 2024, we will introduce new fees for the following call sign activities:

Reassigning a:
special event call sign: $34.00
VK0 and VK9 call sign: $34.00
contest call sign: $15.00
Transferring a call sign to another amateur operator: $15.00
The amateur radio call sign policy and website has been updated to reflect these new charges. Information about how we set fees is in the Fees for service cost recovery implementation statement.

Reassigning call signs

Special event, contest, VK0 or VK9 call signs have a designated assignment period of 12 months. We will contact you before the expiry to remind you to apply to have the call sign reassigned to you (the fees listed above will apply). If a reassignment application is not made before the expiry date, the call sign will no longer be assigned to you, and will be made available on the call sign register.

Amateur operators with 2-letter, 3-letter and F-series call signs should reconfirm ongoing use of their call sign every 5 years There is no cost for amateur operators to reconfirm ongoing use of their 2-letter, 3-letter and F-series call signs.

We encourage amateur operators to log into ACMA Assist to reconfirm their call sign, or apply to transfer or reassign call signs.

Update to the amateur operating procedures

Following feedback, we have made a minor change to the Amateur radio operating procedures to clarify that communications established with another station is also referred to as a ‘series of transmissions’.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Off to facebook to watch all the "bush lawyers" and assorted know-it-alls misinterpret what the email says and then fly into an apoplectic rage until their heads explode!

Anyone got any popcorn?
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)

If nothing else, it made me get my login to ACMA Assist in order. 
I now have a PDF showing my callsign (/authority) expiry date as 19 Feb 2029, although I had to use the (Android) smartphone to get the MyGovId process done before I could even get anywhere with accessing the ACMA functions. If you didn't have a smartphone I am not really sure how you could do it, because I have a feeling that a PC wouldn't suffice. No MyGovID process for PC that I could see. 

Plus you need photoID like passport and drivers licence details to prove who you are, and without them, not sure you could do much.   Maybe the Australia Post ID process would be the only way to go then.

To top it off since I had my IDs in my hand, I then went in (again on smartphone) to get my Q'ld Digital Driver's Licence - so that is all done too.

Progress ???    If you can call needing this stuff done that way is that !


PS are we allowed to call the 'critics' bush lawyers ?
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your view) I need to use MyGov ID regularly for work so BTDT. In the future it will be required for ATO and Medicare stuff, if it isn't already.

As for the PDF of the "authority" I couldn't find a direct method of getting one - or did you snap shot the screen?

Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)

I cheated a bit. After getting in to and creating the access to ACMA Assist on the smartphone, I then similtaneously accessed it on the PC, went through the authorisation magic of "entering the one time code" from email and then phone messaging, and then into managing my account on the PC (Win11).  Once there it was a simple "Print to PDF" to save it to file.  

Afterward, I used 'Cx FileExplorer' to connect via FTP from the PC back to the phone (via it's Network option function),  copied the PDF to my Documents folder on the phone.  I then added a link to the Home screen so I have quick access as needed. 

I may not need to use ACMA Assist until I need to refresh my continued access to my callsign in another 5 years but it does allow you to update your contact details anytime in the event of an address change or phone or email changes.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
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Thanks Doug.

I could only see a listing of my two callsigns, no specific details of each, other than the expiry.

I will have another dig around.

This what I can see:
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
Not wanting to fiddle with iphone apps & MyGovID etc. I registered with my driver licence details.

I've heard nothing further, so I assume someone has to check they are correct.
I just did mine on the PC, also using the drivers license method.

It was confirmed instantly, so you might want to check what happened Damien - it is not intuitive that you have to click 'Create' back at the initial login screen to finish it all off.

Same as Colin, not really anything of use other than callsign and expiry date shown.
Terry VK5TM
That "Create" was the problem. I was focused on the stuff above it in red saying further info required i.e. I thought I'd missed something.

Logged in, when I follow the "Radiocommunications Licences" link and click on "Licence no." and go to the RRL, the .pdf is my original Apparatus Licence which doesn't expire until March next year.

I assume something different comes up for you guys.
I do not do mygov stuff ...  i do not do digital post office stuff

I just email ACMA and ask them to send a copy of whatever i want.

All correspondence between me and federal govt is via paper snail mail. both ways

I have found acma staff to be very helpful
Hi Damien,

On the row of tabs from where you selected "Radiocommunications Licences" there is a tab "Amateur Radio" - first on the left if I remember correctly.

Look in there.

Keep in mind that we no longer have radiocommunications licences, so those entries are simply a remanent of the previous system. I imagine they will disappear as they expire.

Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
Thanks for that.

I think I'm seeing the same as you in the AR page. There is no link to download some sort of class licence document there.

For me there is under Radio Communications licences, until March next year I guess.

"Keep in mind that we no longer have radiocommunications licences, so those entries are simply a remanent of the previous system. I imagine they will disappear as they expire."

Yes, my original license expired in July and my data has been removed from the RRL.
Terry VK5TM
Thanks Doug for publicizing the need to have access to ACMA Assist to reconfirm an amateur radio licence. As others have noted too, it is not always straightforward to set it up. Initially, I did not have visibility of the Amateur Radio Tab on my access. I then raised a query via ACMA Assist and this has now been rectified. 73 Peter VK3DU.

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