2017 Caboolture Hamfest - 22nd July
From WIA News for 9 July 2017:

VK4: Caboolture HamFest,  July 22, on their sprawling clubhouse grounds.

HamFests are an opportunity to connect with many technically minded people in a very short timeframe. Luckily tables are still available so if you, your club, or other groups or clubs that you are involved in would like to share or sell something to the Amateur Radio community then organise your table soon. The Caboolture Radio Club will be happy to hear from you.

Caboolture is committed to putting the ham into HamFest and will have its famous bacon and egg rolls along with sausages and light refreshments available on the day.

Make sure you head out to Caboolture and see the home of this years John Moyle Memorial Field Day multi-operator, HF Phone winners. 

More details :  http://www.wia.org.au/clubs/vk4/CabooltureRadioClub/
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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