12-07-2017, 01:40 PM
Interesting development in US VHF-UHF contesting: a distance-based contest, 222 MHz and up !

VHF-UHF Contest in US goes distance-based
12-07-2017, 01:40 PM
Interesting development in US VHF-UHF contesting: a distance-based contest, 222 MHz and up !
![]() http://www.arrl.org/222-mhz-and-up-distance-contest
12-07-2017, 02:11 PM
Their rules state :
Rover stations may be worked from each four-character grid square in which they operate. Exchange: All stations exchange the Six-Character-Grid-Locator (“sub-grid”) QSO Points: The point value for a contact is computed as the center-to-center distance in kilometers between the sub-grid of each station Comment: The 4 char grid square option for rovers is hard in VK unless you are near a Lat/Long corner (eg QG51/QG52/QG61/QG62 ) which has NIL UHF/microwave access here in SE Qld due to terrain. It might work out better in some states in the USA. Hey we (collectively) still haven't decided on either distance or grid square rules for the VK VHF/UHF Field Days ![]() Doug VK4ADC
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
http://www.vk4adc.com This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
12-07-2017, 07:21 PM
(12-07-2017, 02:11 PM)vk4adc Wrote: Hey we (collectively) still haven't decided on either distance or grid square rules for the VK VHF/UHF Field Days It could well and truly be decided by the participants if the rules were altered ever so slightly so you could only enter one category. Now that we have automatic (nearly) log submission it would be a simple thing to accept only the latest submission (computer timestamp) from each entrant. Enter Div 1 - fine no problem Enter Div 2 - fine no problem Change your mind - fine no problem Change it again - also fine If each of us could only enter one division (not both) then it would very quickly become apparent what the PARTICIPANTS wanted.
13-07-2017, 01:37 PM
Nice thought, Lou. But not new. However, it's a binary decision, and a group of participants recently expressed interest in having a "third way".
13-07-2017, 07:37 PM
Just a diversion Roger,
Last I checked the contest had the following; Two scoring schemes One (temporary) contest manager Two division managers Another person doing the scoring An each way bet is not a concrete decision. Or maybe it is?
18-07-2017, 09:40 AM
(13-07-2017, 07:37 PM)VK3ALB Wrote: Just a diversion Roger, As we have the logs in the Scoring computer we could actually make a hypothetical into a reality by adjusting the scoring and seeing what was spat out. For example WHY are we still dividing competitors into a stream at their election when both alternatives are available? Why are not all the logs lumped together and scored - the true winner of each Division is then shown and not the best Certificate chaser who opted for the most obscure category. My belief is that neither are for the best and that a combination is needed. Using true multipliers for each different grid square worked on each band and a band weighting factor, with a distance scoring cap on 6M at say 2000km. (still possible to have JA openings) So a typical QSO on 6M say over 750km would be worth 75 points X band Factor and a final score would be total of band points X total of multipliers. It is of interest that most of the VHF+ big contests in EU and USA do not attempt the ALL BAND challenge that we have - I think it is too limiting on the potential of the average amateur. Whereas a 6 2 and 70cm challenge and a separate GHz challenge is more likely to have interest. Must also say that I really like the term Activity Day rather than Field Day as used by the 23 on 23 people/
18-07-2017, 03:35 PM
Thanks Trent. There is already a cap on long-distance scoring for 6m, 2m and 70cm - intended to cover both ionospheric and tropospheric long-haul propagation. Re-read my article on distance-based scoring at: http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/v...June-2.pdf
I acknowledge your point about the ALL BAND challenge that has prevailed from some years. Yes, it does seem unique (or maybe, that should be "peculiar") to VK. Perhaps because it's not included on the OS contests ? Renaming Field Days as Activity Days ? Shakespeare had something to say about this concept: "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Could it work? Dunno.
18-07-2017, 05:09 PM
Hi All,
First up, I am not a 'contester' or 'field dayer' (if those are the correct collective nouns) so do not have a dog in this fight. Allow me to put forward my uneducated $0.02. I have loosely followed the discussions regarding distance/grid square scoring, both in AR Mag and on the forums. It astounds me that it is even a thing, let alone such a fiercely divided thing. It seems, to an outsider, that there is little difference and that it comes down to the output from some software. So why not simply output both? Now, having said that, I fear I will be dismissed as not understanding, but frankly, that is my point. Step back and look at the arcane rules for these so-called fun events. Now ask yourself why so few people want to play and maybe you'll make a connection. That connection might lead you to ask some basic questions, such as: Why don't people bother to get involved and participate? I can only offer an answer from my perspective. As someone who works for a living, that has other hobbies and other commitments, time is a precious commodity. The small amount of time available makes it difficult to put aside a period where even a two hour re-work is helpful, so getting SWMBO approval for a 24 or 48 hour stint is unlikely (and it may surprise you to find out, I would prefer to be doing stuff with SWMBO as well). This leads to the next issue - funds. It's fair to say that my radio set up is not extensive and is not what would be called optimal. It is, what it is. It places me firmly in the 'Pop Gun' category and my signal well down into the noise. Which makes for a frustrating experience and a pretty empty log book when I have tried to get involved. So for me the distance/grid square thing isn't even on the radar as a reason that folk don't to come out and play. The arguments between 'certificate chasers' and 'Big Gun' stations over arcane rules, for me, miss the point. The lack of activity is a bigger problem than further complicating already confusing and over-complex rules, the bigger issue is making it interesting and inclusive, which it really isn't, to an outsider. Offered as an alternate view, not as a big wooden spoon to stir up the natives. |
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