Received my Diviison 2 log summary by email today. Just for a change, I entered only Div 2 rather than both Divisions.
There was again a large number of incorrectly logged locators in this field day, about a third of the submitted logs had significant number of such errors mostly for the same worked station. That indicates that the logs were not checked for consistency before being submitted. To encourage log checking, the previous penalty of 10% for incorrectly logging a locator will increase to 25% or 33% in the future.
Incorrectly copied exchanges which are 'off by one' are still most predominant, accounting for more than a third of these errors. More often received one greater than sent, but also quite a few of received one less than sent. Any suggestions as to how to find the reason for these errors would be greatly appreciated.
Many contact time stamps at the two stations did not match, exceeding 5 minutes, mostly under ten minutes, but some an hour and up to two hours. There were 65 such occurences, 54 of which could be readily resolved as to which station was at fault (and most of these were caused by just two stations). To encourage better timekeeping, a penalty will be applied in the future as described below (but the penalty was NOT applied in this field day).
I lost points because others didn't type in either my callsign or grid locator correctly. Funnily enough there were two consecutive QSOs with a VK2 who transposed the 2m and 70cm bands such that it appeared as crossband - a definite no-no. I guess accuracy was not happening that day !
I know the frequency discrepancy wasn't my end because the VKCL software was connected to the Icom IC-7000 transceiver by a CIV interface and thus the band indicated was automatic. The new 'prompt to log' flashing box was a great implementation as it was possible to jump bands before without realising you hadn't pressed the Enter key.
This extract shows some of 'it':
Stations copying your call/band/exchange/locator incorrectly (Information):
VK2xxx : 01:25 < 432> SSB VK4ADC 007 005 Your Log: 144
VK2xxx : 01:26 < 144> SSB VK4ADC 008 006 Your Log: 432
VK4xxx : <03:20> 144 SSB VK4ADC 016 020 Your Log: 03:13 (07 mins)
VK4xxx : <03:20> 432 SSB VK4ADC 017 021 Your Log: 03:14 (06 mins)
VK4xxx : <07:24> 144 SSB VK4ADC 045 037 Your Log: 07:16 (08 mins)
VK4xxx : 02:36 50 FM <VK2ADC> 008 017 Should be: VK4ADC
(The callsigns have been changed to protect the other party !!)
The email also had a results PDF attached as the outcome of the event and is available here :
2017 Spring Final Results.pdf (Size: 102.64 KB / Downloads: 551)
This will eventually appear on the WIA web site but as the press is often to say "you heard it here first".