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27 June 2018 :
The forum software was upgraded this morning to a newer release.
While issues are not exactly expected, please advise of any (new) abnormalities encountered.
Doug, admin
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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1st August 2018 :
Two sub-version upgrades to the forum software were undertaken this morning.
No issues were noted during the process.
Please advise of any (new) abnormalities encountered.
Doug, admin
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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Hey Doug,
Ever thought of starting up a Reddit community as its always been a source of information for myself as well as a lot of other folks I know.
Reddit communities are always searched and the audience is extremely large.
For example, if you look at the subscribers to communities (which are easily searchable by the world)
8.9k Subscribers
36.8k Subscribers
57.1k Subscribers
You can also always link back here as well.
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Just had a bit of a browse at the Ham Radio community at and it doesn't really fit in with my concept of having an "arranged platform" for an exchange of ideas, news items etc based mostly in VK.
I have no issues with newbies, and we have them join the forum and post from time to time, but what I saw on the Reddit community with some of the topics posed didn't thrill me much, certainly not leaving me enthused enough to take the existing forum into that direction.
That is not to say that someone else shouldn't do it, just it won't be me.
Maybe I'm getting too old....
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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All good mate...
Just throwing some ideas for increased interactions and exposure. I'm happy to create a community targeting aussie ham radio operators and link this forum as well if there would be any interest.
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Sorry guys, created a file issue on Sunday, fixed this morning (Tues). Apologies for the outage
Doug, admin
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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Geez, you look away for a couple of days and it all falls over.
I was going to ask if I missed anything...
Thanks for your work getting everything squared away and shipshape again Doug.
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It only fell over because of fumble fingers at this end. I tried to do some software maintenance on Sunday and it obviously didn't work - even though the Forum seemed to be functioning normally afterwards. I only discovered the issue properly this morning so set about doing a files restore - and that fixed it.
Oh well. To much rush was happening.. best avoid that next time
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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A forum software upgrade was undertaken this morning (about 9.15AM on Monday 11th March 2019) and I have noticed one strange effect on my screen post-upgrade but I don't know if others (non-admins) will have the same effect. It does not affect the operation of the forum per se but is just an annoying formatting detail.
If you note any strange outcomes in the next day or two, please post back to this topic so I can investigate.
This release includes allowing users to see their unapproved content ; compatibility with PHP >= 7.2 has been improved and jQuery has been upgraded, which might affect custom JavaScript code in plugins and themes.
This is the issue I am seeing and until I check the difference in the code out, it will stay malformed.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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Only thing I'm seeing is the last 24 hours users panel is a vertical list instead of horizontal (so far).
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re :
Only thing I'm seeing is the last 24 hours users panel is a vertical list instead of horizontal (so far).
I think I have solved that one after a plugin update and fair amount of confusion trying to configure it. It seems all of the configuration options are hidden by default and can only be located by text searches - provided you know what descriptive text you are actually searching for
Haven't spotted any more 'funnies' while working on it.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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Well, an automatic update on the 21st July 2020 broke the users online today list - again (see above).... giving a vertical list of users rather than formatted in a horizontal line. There is an extra linefeed in there somewhere when adding the users and generating the list you see.
I have been looking for the 'change' in the update files but it is a while since I have had to peer inside the MYBB code and have yet to find what changed with this update.
Thus I have turned off the 'users on line today' for now - or at least until I get enough enthusiasm to delve deeper.
Doug, admin.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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