WSPRView for Windows
It looks like ThunderSMTP has gone  Sad

I am searching for an alternative 'free' SMTP provider so I can hard-code their settings into a V10 release, along with a custom settings option.

Those who have already switched across to GMail SMTP - no worries and no side effects.

Will advise when V10 is available.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,
All good WSPRView v1.0.0.9 has been running well.

Got around to doing Google SMTP today, but got a problem.
When I enter in the smtp details and click Save/Close, it doesn't hold them and I get an SSL error.
If I click on Show Registry then I can see that your smtp server is still populated in there.


If I close WSPRView and reopen then it defaults back to your smtp server - and I think it also removes my password.

Good to hear that I did find the Index error and solved that.

Working on the email support at the moment. Sensing what security mode should be used and automatically changing internal settings to suit, then testing same is currently what it is all about.

Have found an 'inferior' alternative free SMTP service that is working on TLS/Port 587, SSL/465. At least it is 'up'.
My own mail server seems to work ok on port 25.. 

Will get around to testing the GMail setup later, other things on my to-do list for today also..

I will also get to the settings storage and retrieval later also but I think I have covered that through the work this morning on the Custom settings option.
Note that the SMTP passwords are always encrypted before storage so they won't make sense to a human brain, then decrypted on the fly when needed..

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Thanks for the update Doug. Yes it's been working well, no index errors at all.

All good on the email stuff too.

Just to let you know Doug, WSPRView worked excellent today.

We watched the paths start to get shorter and shorter, and managed to filter out the ones in the +dB territory between 300 and 700km. It worked great with the black to show these!

Thanks! Just what we've been after.
V1.0.0.10 is now available and has a 'fix' in place for the defunct ThunderSMTP service.  

In addition, it is possible to set up for authenticated and non-authenticated port 25 operation as well as TLS on port 587 and SSL on port 465. That makes GMail and the like possible as well as your actual ISP's SMTP service. There are no guarantees that it will work with any ISP or SMTP service but testing here with a few options has shown all tested operated without error.

Please read the LATEST VERSION DETAILS section on the WSPRView web page. 
It is 'sort-of necessary' to see what can and cannot be done now.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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V1.0.0.12 is now available for download, it has two new features plus one fix for the data sourced from

Please read the LATEST VERSION DETAILS section on the WSPRView web page.  
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,

I've just run the new V12 of WSPRView.

I think there may be an issue with the VHF Distance Mode settings, I put in filtering for 300 to 1400 km and it was showing spots out to 2000 km or so still.
Hayden VK7HH thinks that its distance filter has been set to Miles not km? after some futher investigation here, that would seem to be the case.

I like the addition of the red timing bar up top, makes it easier to know where each period is up to.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West
V1.0.0.13 is a further bug-fix plus has one new feature:

The Spotted filter field will now accept up to 6 prefixes separated by commas (eg VK,ZL,FK,3D ) but without any spaces. 
Note: The software will NOT allow a comma in BOTH the Spotter and Spotted filter boxes if you try that. { One OR the other will work though. }

This allows a few different prefixes to be used so that we can see any (eg) VK, ZL, FK etc.. spots at once. This facility would have be handy 2 days ago when the 6M band was open and all of these were being spotted and when not in Distance mode...  Better late than never.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,

I've downloaded V13 but it doesnt load properly on my home PC.

I've not tried it on others yet.

Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West

My mistake. I was trying something else that required that QT library and forgot to remove the requirement. V13 as now available is the one without the DLL. Please download it again and try that one.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,

Sorry to bring up issues, but both Hayden and myself and noticing Alerted spots coming up that shouldn't be alerted.    

Not sure why.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West
That one is dynamic so will be hard to find/fix.  The permanent issues are far easier.

I am guessing that it only happens when certain parameters in the spot data set up the specific set of circumstances to generate the alert state. It will be a case of waiting for those parameters to occur while I am in the development environment software and then trying to figure out what 'they' are..

I have quite a few other things on the boil at the moment so that might have to wait a bit.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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No worries, I'll go back to version 8 for now to make sure everything gets alerted OK.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West
I see v14 is out Doug. Thanks I'll give it a test
V1.0.0.14 was released for download a few days ago but I didn't remember to post about it at the time. 
Too many things happening around here at the moment and I doubt anything else will get fixed or developed in it now before the new year. By all means report any issues in the meantime, preferably by direct email.

I have been using it daily to check reports on my little WSPR-Pi-beacon project without noticing any issues although I don't actually need to use the email alerting feature myself.  The new self-log feature makes for interesting 'reading' when you look at who, where and when the beacon is reported. Who would have thought that 200mW on 6M would get out the way it has been ??
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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(10-12-2018, 05:31 AM)VK4ADC Wrote: V1.0.0.14 was released for download a few days ago but I didn't remember to post about it at the time. 
Too many things happening around here at the moment and I doubt anything else will get fixed or developed in it now before the new year. By all means report any issues in the meantime, preferably by direct email.

I have been using it daily to check reports on my little WSPR-Pi-beacon project without noticing any issues although I don't actually need to use the email alerting feature myself.  The new self-log feature makes for interesting 'reading' when you look at who, where and when the beacon is reported. Who would have thought that 200mW on 6M would get out the way it has been ??

Hi Doug,
All seems to be working so far (including the fix for the VHF distance mode/SNR alert). I'm yet to test email myself too.. been too busy

After having used WSPRView to monitor a few good 6m openings now, either high MUF or long distances, I have to say that using WSPRView makes life a whole lot easier.
Anyone who has experienced a full on high MUF opening on 6m WSPR would know the database can overflow with reports, I have seen times where the WSPRnet database search limit of 1000 spots is reached and there would still be more to go. Trying to get relevant information from the WSPRnet database during those times is time consuming and difficult, some high MUF openings time is not on your side, but with WSPRView, wow, the information that I'm looking for can be there instantly ready to make use of when its needed the most.
When the MUF really picks up I'll get screen shots of what WSPRview showed and how it assisted in locating the high MUF areas.
Thanks very much for your efforts its really appreciated.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West
I notice that is having issues this afternoon causing WSPRView to hang. 
It comes good, goes again, repeat.   

I can ping the domain name and see a response but the http support is just not happening on the browser - just says timed out and provides a Reload button.
Since WSPRView uses http data then it too is 'down'.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Just a thought for the future.

Could it be possible to have a distance alert setting in there?

For use such as when we had N3IZN coming in yesterday, if we could set it up to show alert if distance is above 10,000 km for example.

So I have an instance set up looking for spots MIN KM 1750 km.
MAX KM 0 (so it looks for anything above 1750 km)
Time 30 min
SNR Alert on
Distance Alert on and you could make a slider to select the distance above which you would like to be alerted about. Ideally it could highlight anything over 10,000 km for example, same colour as what the SNR alert is.

Just something you might investigate when you have time.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West

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