Any word on this yet?
The talk of power limits and band access is interesting but I fear it's already set in stone. We have three license classes that could become very close in terms of privileges. You would have to ask why bother with the three classes if they are so similar.

I would be in favor of granting power limits against some natural and obvious limits. That is, you go to the shop and almost every radio you buy (yes I know there are a couple of exceptions) is limited to 100W output. Wouldn't it make sense to set the foundation limit to 100W and be done with it? We don't have enough inspectors to go about pinching operators for using more that 10W (I think the number is quite small) and it would stop grumpy old men from complaining "There's no way he's using 10 watts!".

Yes they have to remember digital modes need less power but please, we're not dealing with imbeciles I think most adults understand simple concepts.

Allow standard operators 400W from a commercial amplifier (no home brew as the technical qualification is arguably insufficient) as long as they demonstrate proficiency in the art of EMR compliance - somebody should be smart enough to prepare an assessment for that.

Advanced get their 400W (commercial or home brew) but allow them more if they demonstrate proficiency in the art of EMR compliance.

I'm an opinionated ham so I don't need to work out all the details but that structure seems reasonable.

Get rid of the four letter call is a great idea. A prefix like VL3AAA or similar. Again, some smart person should be able to work it out.

Band privileges for foundation operators are probably where I diverge from what most are thinking. I would say no voice modes for any additional bands beyond the current 80, 40, 15, 10, 2 & 70cm but digital modes for all permitted bands. I think 23cm and 13cm should be permitted and the bands would benefit from more activity. Too restrictive you say? Tell that to VK7MO or VK3OE or the hoards of operators playing with WSPR or JT modes exclusively.

Yes, let foundations build their own gear. What a shame they aren't allowed to now. Again, we're dealing with adults with normal levels of comprehension. They can learn and they understand right from wrong. A dirty signal on air would soon be sorted by the band police. I'm sure we can all name at least one advanced operator with terrible operating technique or signal quality/purity let's not blame the F call just because they're new.

The point of all this is to encourage participation and maintain some level of incentive for the three current levels of licensing.

VK4FAUS - Drill some holes in the bucket of bricks to let the water out.

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