23-02-2019, 07:35 AM
Your WIA has been in contact with the new providers of the AR examination and licence providers and we will be bringing much of the latest to you throughout this news bulletin.
The new provider has published their fee structure, it's on the front page news section of wia.org.au https://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2.../index.php
The Australian Maritime College has provided the fee schedule for amateur radio statutory and non-statutory services.
This covers statutory examinations and non-statutory callsign recommendations, recognition of prior learning and re-issuing of certificates.
The WIA has also opened the door to AMC Manager, Martin, to use this WIA News Service to provide you the listener with info coming from AMC.
Direct link to the AMC Fees PDF :
"The Australian Maritime College Manager - Office of Maritime Communications thanks the WIA for its support.
"I would be grateful if you could please let your members know that we would ask all former and potential assessors to contact AMC-Amateur Radio email on AMC.AR@utas.edu.au to register your interest. We look forward to working together for the good of the Hobby.
Best wishes,
Martin Crees-Morris
Manager – AMC Amateur Radio
Australian Maritime College
University of Tasmania.
Your WIA has been in contact with the new providers of the AR examination and licence providers and we will be bringing much of the latest to you throughout this news bulletin.
The new provider has published their fee structure, it's on the front page news section of wia.org.au https://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2.../index.php
The Australian Maritime College has provided the fee schedule for amateur radio statutory and non-statutory services.
This covers statutory examinations and non-statutory callsign recommendations, recognition of prior learning and re-issuing of certificates.
The WIA has also opened the door to AMC Manager, Martin, to use this WIA News Service to provide you the listener with info coming from AMC.
Direct link to the AMC Fees PDF :
"The Australian Maritime College Manager - Office of Maritime Communications thanks the WIA for its support.
"I would be grateful if you could please let your members know that we would ask all former and potential assessors to contact AMC-Amateur Radio email on AMC.AR@utas.edu.au to register your interest. We look forward to working together for the good of the Hobby.
Best wishes,
Martin Crees-Morris
Manager – AMC Amateur Radio
Australian Maritime College
University of Tasmania.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51
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