2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
A photo from the mountaintop here.
The portable setup from left to right is 24 GHz on tripod with 2 foot dish.
6m, 2m, 70cm and 23cm handhelds on the chair as well as the ft817 connected to all the transverters by bnc cables. Log sheets too.
AGM battery primary power source charged by a 2 amp solar panel.
6cm transverter, 3cm transverter on top of the cyan plastic crate.
The blue crates in the background have 47GHz and 76GHz on them and are run from a separate 12 volt deep cycle battery
2.4 Ghz and 3398 MHz on the tripods.
All aimed at the horizon. Changing bands involves swapping connectors and moving the ft817 and logsheets as required.
Everything is powered up all the time to keep the OCXOs hot.
Altitude 960metres. QF46pu.

73 Dave vk2jds

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