ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
From WIA News for 14 Mar 2021:

On Monday March 15th at 7.30pm Eastern Daylight time (0830z) the WIA will attempt something new in an effort to communicate with members the scope and challenges presented by the ACMAs Consultation paper on Future Amateur Radio Service licensing. Members of the board and the Spectrum Strategy committee will be appearing live on HamRadioDX YouTube channel. 

The aim is to provide a forum where the findings of the committee so far can be presented, but also provide an opportunity for questions and answers to be exchanged with members and the wider amateur community. The WIA will discuss the three options and why it is recommending the option it is.

We will also explain ways that the risks of ACMAs proposals could be mitigated to the benefit of both the amateur service and the ACMA.

During the 45 minute session, there will be time for questions via the YouTube chat feedback channel. Questions can also be submitted ahead of time via email to  Please note, that channel will be moderated, and only questions directly related to the submission will be accepted. We also ask that people be respectful and understand that we will not be commenting on the positions of others. This is about the WIAs position and making sure people are clear on what we have found and what the next steps are going to be. The WIA will in particular introduce the next steps that it needs members to take in the consultation process.

The discussion panel consists of Scott VK3KJ, Dale VK1DSH, Lee VK3GK and Grant VK5GR representing the Wireless Institute of Australia's (WIA) Spectrum Strategy team and also the WIA Board will be appearing live on Ham Radio DX YouTube channel.

We look forward to seeing you on YouTube on Monday night!


Now add another item into the fray :

"Back in December, the Radiocommunications Legislation Amendment or the Reform and Modernisation Act 2020 received Royal Assent, amending the Radiocommunications Act 1992:
The Modernisation Act is part of the Australian governments response to the recommendations of the 2015 spectrum review.

The amendments made by the Modernisation Act: add flexibility to the way we manage spectrum provide greater clarity to licensees simplify and streamline spectrum management and planning processes ensure that spectrum management is fit-for purpose in a challenging, dynamic environment.

The provisions of the Modernisation Act are due to come into force June 17 2021


Ed:  Now that might open the door for easier amateur service licensing changes to be enacted by the ACMA - including class licensing !!!!
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements - by VK4ADC - 13-03-2021, 07:04 AM

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