Unknown radio mast on land I have bought, any ideas?
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, and not a ham operator, however I have recently purchased a block of land in the Toowoomba, QLD area which I later discovered has a radio mast on it that would appear to be some sort of disused repeater.  I am curious about the history of the repeater site, however I have not had any luck finding out much about it.  I am wondering whether anyone here might be able to point me towards any resources where I could find out more information about what the site may have been used for in the past.

The site isn't used any longer (the solar panels were covered in lantana) and any signs that may have once been affixed to the equipment cabinet have long since perished.  I did manage to find a manufacture date of January 1985 on the back of one of the solar panels, but that was it.

I have looked through the ACMA Register of Radiocommunications Licences (RRL) and while they show some NBN towers and other smaller sites in the surrounding area, there is nothing listed for my site.  I guess this is not too surprising given its age, but I am unfamiliar with the rules for repeater sites, and whether registration is not required if one is operated by a licensed ham, however I presumed some sort of registration or record would be required.

I haven't yet been able to open the equipment cabinet at the base of the mast, but perhaps that would shed more light on things, if there is anything left behind in it.  I tried picking the lock but it's a bit beyond my skill level, so I will have to go back with bolt cutters or something next time I'm at the site.  It's a two hour walk each way from the nearest road so not somewhere I can pop down to at a moment's notice.

I've uploaded some photos of the mast here: https://imgur.com/a/WY0kklx

Does anyone know of any resources I could use to shed some light on what this site may have been used for in the past?  Do the antenna types give any hints about what frequencies might have been used?  What is the purpose of the rusty pole half way up the middle of the mast?

Sorry for the basic questions but like I say, I have little experience in this field!  I realise it would probably help if I could give the exact location of the site however I'm a little reluctant to share that on a public forum for the moment.  However if anyone recommends any resources that I am able to access and it does reveal information on the site I would be happy to share if anyone is interested.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

Messages In This Thread
Unknown radio mast on land I have bought, any ideas? - by SWL-VK4016 - 27-12-2022, 06:10 PM

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